What does a typical session look like?

Appointments at Perform Physical Therapy and Wellness are an hour long. In initial evaluations we will start with a detailed subjective history, perform physical tests, and have you perform functional movements before reviewing them together to make sense of what is causing your pain with you. We will then get into our manual therapy techniques including; myofascial release, cupping, joint mobilizations, traction, and more! From there we head into the gym to work on strengthening and mobility as needed using dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, cable machines, bands, and more!

Do you take my insurance?

At Perform Physical Therapy and Wellness we are a fee for service, cash based clinic which allows us to:
a) spend a full hour of one-on-one time together and
b) treat each client as a whole and not be limited by an insurance contract.

With this model we have been able to get people feeling, moving, and performing better quicker than in traditional settings. This means we do not take insurance up front, however, we have a biller that will create a superbill to submit to your insurance for you to receive reimbursement and/or to apply it towards your deductible! As long as you have a PPO or Tricare you will get partial reimbursement for your sessions!

If you have any questions regarding any of the above information feel free to give us a call at (858) 208-0402 and one of us will be happy to help answer your questions!

Why should I use an out of network provider?

The insurance based health-care model has created a system where the emphasis is placed on how many people can we fit in the door, how quickly can we treat them, all while reducing reimbursement to providers. This has led to decreased overall physical therapy care, but is not limited to just physical therapy, it affects all regions of health care.

Our goal at Perform Physical Therapy and Wellness is to put you first. In order to do that we create enough time 1 on 1 to listen to your goals, create a plan to help you, and help walk you through the process of reaching them the whole way. You should leave every PT session feeling accomplished, feeling better than when you came in, and with a better understanding of your progress. Not the feeling of not progressing, doing the same exercises over and over, and not having the time to talk with your PT.

How do I get started?

Book a 15 minute discovery call.